Business Immigration

Business Immigration

Business | InvestorImmigration

Canada welcomes successful business people who are seeking new opportunities and challenges. Canada is one of the ideal business and investment destinations for worldwide investors and business people. Government of Canada encourage people worldwide to invest and contribute to the Canadian economy.
The Business Immigration Program is designed to encourage and facilitate the admission of these individuals. Both the federal and provincial governments welcome business immigrants and offer services to help immigrants start a business and settle in Canada.

Below are the business /Investment visa categories in Canada:

Self Employed

Applicant must have two years of relevant experience and show that you intend to become self-employed in Canada. Applicant will be selected based on the points on a selection grid designed to determine whether you will be able to make an economic contribution to Canada.

Start-up Visa

Applicant must meet all the 4 eligibility requirements below, as well as the admissibility requirements to enter Canada.

Provincial Nomination Programs (PNP) Also Nominate Business Immigrants

Apart from the above business programs, a few provinces also have their own Business Immigration Programs to attract and retain the individuals with Business Experience. Therefore, PNP programs are also an excellent option to apply.

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